• AsiaPac_pdooh programmatic digital out of door ad_cover
AsiaPac_pdooh programmatic digital out of door ad_pdooh

Out-of-home advertising (OOH), as its name implies, is any advertising media that is found outside the home. As the world became more digitalized, traditional signage gradually gave way to digital signage, creating the digital out-of-home (DOOH). Along with the advent of programmatic technology, has opened the door to programmatic digital out-of-home (programmatic DOOH or pDOOH).

Out-Of-Home (OOH) Advertising

A static image ad displayed on billboards, transit, bus shelters, street furniture, etc.

  • Increase brand awareness and maximize visibility
  • Advertise in your desired location with a fixed creative size and format
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Digital Out-Of-Home (DOOH) Advertising

Dynamic and data-driven digital media that appear on outdoor digital billboards and signage, LED screens, or on a network of screens.

  • Hyper-targeting capabilities by geolocation, tracking party data, retargeting, etc.
  • Omnichannel customer experience through seamless mobile and online platform integration
  • Allow for changeable visuals, videos, and even interactive elements
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Programmatic Digital Out-Of-Home (pDOOH) Advertising

By harnessing programmatic technology, ad inventory buying and selling, targeting, ad delivery, and measurement across outdoor digital screens are all automated and real-time. Premium ad inventory e.g. MTR, bus stops, airports, etc., are now more affordable via pDOOH, while capable of reaching highly relevant clients.

  • Automatic bid on ad inventory with ad exchange and demand-side platforms (DSPs)
  • Personalized consumer ad experience automatically based on consumer behavior, audience mobility patterns, contextual targeting, etc.
  • Better pDOOH ad campaign tracking, measurement, and analytics for further optimization
pDOOH is establishing a new era ad format that works for every brand and marketer. No matter you have employed OOH before or not, it's your perfect timing to try out your very first offline + online integration campaign with an acceptable budget!
  • Interest-based pDOOH inventory bidding: You don't have to select and fix specific OOH placements.
  • You can bid and select specific pDOOH placements according to your needs (e.g. Central/ CWB MTR station, Airport Express, Airport departure gate, high-speed railway), and deliver ads with timeslot or settings to minimize wastage and maximize results.
  • Allows retargeting and online remarketing of those pDOOH viewers with various ad formats, such as video, rich media, banner, audio, etc. to maximize brand recall and build an effective branding campaign.
  • Higher flexibility than IO buy: You can adjust your creative at a quicker turnaround time or pause your ads in case there are bad conditions like bad weather.
  • Lower entry budget compared to DOOH or outdoor ads.
  • Provides better measurement and attribution capabilities compared to traditional DOOH: You can track and analyze campaign performance in real time, gaining insights into impressions, engagement, conversions, and other key metrics. This data helps optimize campaigns and demonstrate the ROI of advertising efforts.
  • Allows for A/B testing of different creatives, messages, or targeting parameters: You can compare performance metrics between different versions of ads and iterate on their campaigns based on data-driven insights.
  • Provides advertisers with more interaction opportunities: Through touchscreens, QR codes, and mobile integrations, PDOOH campaigns engage viewers in interactive and immersive experiences.
Exclusive, Worldwide Ad Inventory

AsiaPac has access to top DSPs across the world, namely The Trade Desk (TTD), Hivestack, JCDecaux, VIOOH etc., connecting your pDOOH ads on premium global ad networks in the omnichannel marketplace, including Connected TV (Netflix ad, MyTV Super Ad, iQiYi Ad), audio (Spotify ad, Joox ad), display (rich media ad), video, native, mobile, and of course, DOOH.

One-Stop pDOOH Campaign Planning & Set Up

Running a pDOOH ad campaign may somehow be tough. AsiaPac team takes into account your ad objectives, from planning to creation to execution, we develop tailored pDOOH ad campaigns that align with your target audience and market, as well as be consistent with your other online media channels through remarketing, forming an effective omnichannel marketing strategy.

Rich Audience Data Analysis

Our AI-powered platforms analyze 2+ billion active audience data, including audience interests, demographics, behavior, life events, trending topics, and lookalike and remarketing profiles. Based on your audience data, we pick the inventory that best suits your needs.

Data-Driven pDOOH Ad Targeting

By leveraging multiple real-time cross-device audience data sources and custom audience segmentation, we ensure precise pDOOH ad targeting and retargeting to deliver the most relevant, personalized ads to your target audience at the right time and right place, across their entire user journey.

High-Quality pDOOH Ad Creatives

Designing an impactful and dynamic ad creative is key. Supported by our programmatic platform and teams of creative experts, we are capable of producing straightforward yet eye-catching and compelling creative content along with A/B testing that can capture the audience's attention on their daily journeys, driving awareness and considerations.

pDOOH Ad Performance Measurement

While real-time ad performance data visualization and reporting are possible with pDOOH, measuring a campaign's effectiveness can be challenging. AsiaPac's professionals analyze and keep track of all performance metrics, and make prompt optimization to triggers, creatives, and targeting to guarantee that performance aligns with your budget and KPIs.

Access our premium pDOOH ad inventories with 290B+ monthly impressions across Asia Pacific regions.

and many more ...
Localized Office Support on pDOOH

Whether you're targeting regional, national, or global audiences, our AsiaPac digital specialists in 9 countries are adept at navigating the intricacies of pDOOH advertising and comprehending all locations' market trends. With your specific objectives in mind, we customize marketing plans and select the right inventories to reach your global audiences.

Full-Funnel Omnichannel Marketing Strategy

AsiaPac has 18+ years of profound experience in developing effective all-rounded digital marketing services, including SEM. SEO, content, video, social, KOL, programmatic, etc. We perfectly connect your pDOOH ad campaign with other marketing channels, ensuring a successful omnichannel marketing strategy.

Self-Developed Technology Accelerates Performance

Aside from our extensive ad inventory that fosters pDOOH ad delivery, AsiaPac has self-developed big data and AI technology, enabling sophisticated audience data gathering and targeting and precise performance evaluation and optimization, pushing performance to the next level.