Should I Hire a Digital Marketing Agency?
12 May , 2021

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As we all know, digital marketing is vital in growing businesses, particularly under a pandemic situation that we’re facing. You must invest extra time, money, personnel, and endeavors to successfully establish an effective digital marketing campaign. It may be strenuous for you to adequately manage and coordinate each area simultaneously, especially if your business is in large-scale. You definitely want to improve your business in the digital aspect, yet, you have no idea where to get started. Doesn’t it sound aggravating?

In this article, we’re going to illustrate on how and why it is worthy to hire a digital marketing agency so as to save you huge efforts for other business developments.

1. What is a Digital Marketing Agency?

2. Why do you need a professional digital marketing agency?

3. How to Choose Your Digital Marketing Agency?

What is a digital marketing agency?

Many people are aware that digital marketing agencies assist businesses in promoting themselves to prospective clients through multiple marketing channels in the digital realm. They contribute to the larger audience base. But do you really comprehend what they’re performing?

Generally, a digital marketing agency adopts multidimensional strategy aimed to reach and establish relationships with your targeted audience through a variety of digital channels. The agency not only assists in attaining companies’ digital marketing goals and objectives, but also specializes in applying various online tactics to optimize your company’s digital presence. These tactics comprise website design and development, search engine marketing (SEM), search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, display and video advertising, influencer marketing, and other related areas. Digital marketing agencies are dedicated to elevating your brand by providing a seamless and distinctive customer experience across all channels. They emphasize in the comprehensiveness of digital marketing services, which greatly differs from traditional marketing services.

Digital marketing agency_digital marketing tactics

 Digital marketing agencies utilize various digital marketing tactics to help your business.

Why do you need a professional digital marketing agency?

  1. Digital marketing agencies are on top of industry trends

Digital world is constantly evolving. It’s crucial for businesses to be agile and adaptable in order to cope with the fast-changing environment and generate desirable results. Digital marketing agencies stay on top of the latest industry trend and continually come up with innovative perspectives and solutions that deliver results, propelling your company forward.

Along with wide industry knowledge, agencies can provide a customized strategy that meets your business goals. Digital marketing agencies can assess your current approach, identify and analyze faults, and provide recommendation to improve it. For instance, you may be perplexed as to why the site traffic is insufficient, and you have no idea why or what the problem is. Agencies will figure it out for you and tell you what needs to be adjusted or leveraged. They choose the finest practices to correspond your marketing objectives, ensuring that you reach broader and more precisely to your target market.

2. Digital marketing agencies possess expert technical knowledge

Developing and executing a successful digital marketing plan necessitates a great deal of skills and experience. By hiring a digital marketing agency, you gain access to a team of specialists who are digital gurus that have served years in the digital marketing field in employing a great variety of digital marketing platforms.

A case in point is the use of SEM and keyword research. SEM is particularly significant in the digital realm because it is a huge driving force for website traffic and conversions. Digital marketing agencies conduct keyword research and analysis before bidding on them to ensure that the website appears at the top of search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Agencies also take additional metrics into account, such as impression share and search lost (IS). These all keep the ads and websites in front of motivated customers who are intended to purchase.

In fact, 75% people admitted to merely going beyond the first page of a Google search. Essentially, the best form of advertising for your organization is to rank your company or business website high on search engines. This is something that digital marketing organizations can help you with.

Digital marketing agency_search engine optimization (SEO)

Visibility of your company website on search engines will be effectively boosted with the help of digital marketing agencies.

3. A professional digital marketing agency actually saves your cost

You may think hiring a digital marketing agency induce an extra expense of your project’s operations. However, this is not the case. A skilled digital marketing agency maximizes your ROI, which outweighs the cost, and generate huge profit for your business. SilverDisc, a digital marketing agency in the UK, has helped their clients achieve a 34.66% increase in organic traffic, which greatly surpasses the cost and ensured an improved ROI.

Besides, majority of digital tools, like keyword research, market research tool and competitor intelligence checker, require businesses to pay a premium in order to reach optimal performance. If you engage a digital marketing agency, the cost of these tools can be saved as agencies already have them!

It’s also worth noting that many digital marketing agencies work on a project-by-project basis. It offers you with flexibility to decide when, where, and how much money you want to spend on it. Managing budgets become easier. Undeniably, it’s cost-efficient way to achieve tangible outcomes within a set timeframe.

4. Digital marketing agencies are master storytellers

When individuals follow a story, they tend to connect with it on a personal level. This makes marketing storytelling important. Digital marketing agencies are experienced storytellers who help foster relationship between you and your audiences by recognizing your target audience’s demand and create engaging contents that resonate with them. It’s the rich experiences and portfolio of an agency that values because they know how to strengthen your products or services to customers across different industries.

5. Digital marketing agencies guaranteed an increased ROI

A higher return on investment (ROI) always indicates a greater profit. Digital marketing agencies focus on performing testimonials and reworking their strategy in a bid to improve company’s efficacy and boost ROI. They analyze your website traffic and determine on the best online platforms to invest in, all of which yield incredible results. They adopt various digital techniques, such as SEM and SEO, to let your business reach high.

Most importantly, everything is quantifiable in the digital world. By identifying key performance indicators (KPIs), digital marketing organizations can create measurable goals. They also identify relevant metrics across channels and provide outcomes for each analysis and communication.

How to Choose Your Digital Marketing Agency?

1. Determine your needs and digital marketing budget

Every business has distinct goals and areas in which they want to improve. You must first determine your needs and the exact area in which you wish to focus and put resources into. You can choose the ideal digital marketing agency that caters to your specific wants and demands by understanding your needs. Moreover, you should consider your cost allocation, or how much you are willing to spend. And accordingly, set a reasonable budget.

2. Expertise of the digital marketing agency

An outstanding digital marketing agency is usually supported by team of digital experts and cutting-edge tools. They acquired a slew of certifications attesting to their professionalism and competence, e.g. certifications in Google Ads and Google Analytics, Facebook Blueprint, to name a few.

When communicating with agencies, you can confirm their project management and performance measurement tools. When you articulate your wish, they should be able to demonstrate the talents they'll utilize to accomplish it. You will be able to determine whether the agency's expertise and skills meet your needs and expectations in this manner.

3. Credibility and experience of the digital marketing agency

The credibility of a digital marketing agency often ties with its ability to reap you with better results. The agency should be able to provide you with specific facts and statistics that demonstrate they are capable of achieving your goals.

To determine whether the digital marketing agency is legitimate, look at its portfolio, client testimonials, case studies, and even their awards and accolades. Do at least scan through the agency’s website because it gives you all the basic backgrounds you need to know. Previous clients’ reviews should also be taken into account, as they might give you deeper insight into what it’s like working with that agency.

Digital marketing agency's portfolioSource:

4. Culture of the digital marketing agency

You might be collaborating with the digital marketing agency on a regular basis. As a result, it's critical that their culture mesh with yours. It's better if the agency you're working with has similar core values and a connection with you. This ensures that the digital marketing agency and your team are compatible. Ultimately, a digital marketing agency serves an extension of your business.

5. Your long-term plan

After you have shortened your alternatives of legitimate contenders, you may pick and choose which agency you want to partner with. Working with a digital marketing firm is a long-term commitment, so pick one that fits your personality, standards, and needs while also being cooperative. It may be daunting and time consuming to make a decision, but it’s definitely worthwhile. Sit back and wait for the amazing outcomes!


Digital marketing has always been about bringing your target audience together at the right time and in the right place. Digital marketing agencies are equipped with talented digital specialists, as well as powerful tools and technologies. It will definitely add wings to your online marketing execution and development, ensuring incredible results. If you're looking for a digital marketing agency to partner with, check out the list of digital marketing services we provide and our self-developed technologies aiming to help our client’s succeed. Click here to contact us now and get your free proposal!

About AsiaPac Net Media

With an extensive digital marketing experience of serving more than 2,500 clients across Asia in sectors such as ecommerce, finance, gaming, travel, retail, beauty, FMCG, education, health products etc. AsiaPac’s expert team is highly recognized for the excellence in providing performance-driven services to businesses across Asia, and global corporates targeting Asia markets. If you’d like to learn more about AsiaPac and the work we’ve done, visit our Cases. For more information on AsiaPac/ AdTech and our services, please contact us at