Strong Influencer Network

We own a large database that helps you line up with 200,000+ cross-platform influencers in China and Asia, including both micro-influencers & macro-influencers, reaching 80+ million audiences in total.

Cross-Platform Solutions

We match you with the right influencer that fits with your campaign objectives on popular social media channels among Asia including Facebook, Instagram, Wechat, Xiaohongshu…etc.

AI-Driven Influencer Platform

Influencer matching, content management and analytical reporting are all available on our self-developed AI influencer management platform, supported by advanced technology and big data.

Data-Driven Dashboard & Analysis

Real-time performance tracking are available on our data-driven dashboard. Our specialists provide timely analytical reports and recommendations for your campaign.

Content Management

Our specialists build content strategies and customize engaging content for different influencers to attract your target audience in different regions.

Influencer Relationship Management

Our experienced experts specialize in communicating with influencers, helping you to create smooth and effective relationships with influencers and save your time for managing them.

Full-Stack AI Influencer Management Platform

Considering criterias like engagement level and company value, our exclusive AI-driven system quickly sorts out the best fit from 200,000+ cross-platform influencer data. You can also manage campaign content and get analytical reports on our AI platform.

Equipped With Influencer Knowhow In 15+ Industries

Our experts are well equipped with influencer knowhow and specialized in 15+ industries including beauty, fashion, travel, game, health, finance, technology…etc. We formulate industrial strategies to get the best synergistic result for your brand.

Professional Liaison & Localized Support

Experienced in managing influencers for 15+ years, we are a professional bridge between your brand and influencers. We offer localized support in 7+ regions, including Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Macau etc., to help you adopt cultural norms in different regions.