Understand Your Ad’s Performance With TikTok Analytics
20 Aug , 2020


TikTok, the #1 short video platform with over 800M+ users worldwide, is now the most downloaded app as of 2020. It is currently available in 150 markets with 75 languages.

With the rise of TikTok, no marketers are going to stay out of this hot trend. Are you tapping into the platform and looking for a way to measure your success on it? With the launch of TikTok Pro Accounts, a built-in analytics tool, TikTok Analytics has come along. You can find valuable insights like weekly and monthly video views, profile visits, follower demographics from the dashboard, which help you understand your performance and develop content strategy efficiently.

Kick start with a TikTok Pro Account

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Source: TikTok

To access TikTok Analytics, you need to switch to a Pro account first. TikTok Pro Account is an upgrade version of TikTok standard account, which allows brands to get analytical insights. It’s created for brands that are aiming to grow audience size and improve engagement rates. Simply follow the steps below:

1.       Open TikTok, go to your profile page > open the “Privacy and Settings” tab

2.       Choose “Manage My Account”

3.       Tap ”Switch to Pro Account”

4.       Select a category

You can then find “Analytics” in the “Privacy and Settings” page. Please be aware that you will need to wait for seven days to generate enough data to display your analytics.

After seven days, you can find data and insights from the Analytics dashboard. It is divided into three main categories:

·         Account Overview

·         Content Insights

·         Followers Insights

Let’s go through each category below.

Account Overview on TikTok Analytics

On this page, you can get a clear picture of your overall performance. You will find summary of total video views, profile visits and followers.

·         Video Views: It shows your total video views in the past 7 days/ 28 days.

·         Profile Visits: It shows how many times your TikTok profile was viewed over the past 7 days/ 28 days.

·         Followers: It shows the no. of your followers for the past 7 days/ 28 days.

As the data can be viewed by days, you can see what content you posted on specific days gain the highest engagement rate. To utilize the data on hand, you can even calculate the conversion rate from the above data:

TikTok Video Viewer to Profile Visitor Conversion Rate.JPG
Formula of Video Viewer to Profile Visitor Conversion Rate

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Formula of Profile Visitor to Followers Conversion Rate

Content Insights on TikTok Analytics

The page is separated into two sections: Video Posts and Trending Videos, in which you will find in-depth analytics for each post.

Under “Video Posts”, you can find all the videos that you’ve posted over the last 7 days. The total view of each video will show on its thumbnail. By tapping on the video thumbnail, you can access detailed data including:

·         Total amount of likes

·         Total amount of comments

·         Total shares

·         Total video views

·         Total playtime of video

·         Traffic sources

·         Audience territories

Below “Video Posts” comes “Trending Videos”. You can find your top 9 videos that got the highest growth of views over the past 7 days. Same as “Video Posts”, you can tap on each video to find detailed data.

By accessing these data, you can determine your content performance from the reactions and refine your content strategy accordingly.

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Follower Insights on TikTok Analytics

Follower’s general information is shown on this page. It shows how many followers you have on a seven-day basis and how many followers you’ve gained/ lost over the week. You can also find the percentage breakdown of your followers by gender or by location.

Keep scrolling down you will find “Follower activity”, which allows you to get more insightful metrics of your audiences in line chart. You may review the data by hours or by days. After knowing the time that your followers are most/ least active on the platform, you can find the best time to publish your content.

To find what trending content your followers are interacting with, you can check “Videos your followers watched” or "Sounds your followers listened to" in the past week. You can then know your audiences’ preferences and get inspiration from popular creators.

Summary of TikTok Analytics

Now you should have a good understanding of how TikTok Analytics works. To maximize the effectiveness of your TikTok videos, you should keep tracking TikTok Analytics from time to time.

Apart from measuring the performance of your content, it’s also very important to check out what videos or sounds your followers are paying attention to. It’s a good place for you to discover popular music, themes or hashtags for your future content. Remember:  Creativity is always of top priority of TikTok. Keep yourself updated!

By getting those insightful analytics on hand, it’s time to develop your TikTok strategy. If you are looking for an all-rounded TikTok solution, don’t hesitate to contact our experienced experts for more!

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