TikTok Heat Will Go On: A Complete TikTok Advertising Guide For All Marketers
16 Jul , 2020

A Complete TikTok Advertising Guide For All Marketers.jpg

TikTok, the explosive short video platform, has surpassed many popular social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Zoom and remained on top as the most installed app. With more than 800 million monthly active users globally, TikTok is leading the trend of social media. Stay tuned if you are looking for TikTok’s advertising opportunities, as this article will touch on every spectrum about how to advertise on TikTok.

What is TikTok?

TikTok is the #1 social video-sharing app in the world that allows users to create and share 15s-60s videos. Users can express themselves through singing, dancing, lip-syncing, etc. It addresses the need of people who are looking for micro-entertainment, which is suitable to kill time and easy to digest. With its high flexibility and quick production time, more and more user-generated contents are uploaded to the platform. It has grown in popularity at a rapid rate.

Are TikTok and Douyin the same?

TikTok and Douyin share similar app features, yet they are separate apps. Apart from language differences, the database of TikTok and Douyin are also separated. Users in China can only find Douyin on app stores while overseas users can only find TikTok available for download. Don’t worry if you are not familiar with these two apps. Our experts are experienced in both TikTok & Douyin and will customize advertising plans based on your campaign goals and target regions.

What brands should advertise on TikTok?

To hop on the bandwagon, many international brands such as MAC Cosmetics, Calvin Klein, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Guess, Burberry, etc. are joining TikTok. They have harnessed the power of TikTok to gain massive reach and traffic. So, don’t miss this hot growing trend, especially if your brand fulfills the following traits!

1. Brands with young target audience

TikTok is a fast-paced and powerful platform that helps brands reach millions of young users. According to Vox research, 66% of TikTok users are younger than 30. If your brand is targeting young millennials or GenZ, TikTok would be an ideal choice to build connections with your target audience.

2. Brands that target worldwide

With TikTok, you can reach a wide range of people across the globe. TikTok is currently available in 155 countries and supports 75 languages. As of Jan 2020, TikTok is the most downloaded app in the world according to data from Sensor Tower. The download rate has hit 1.5 billion+ times.

Guess TikTok Hashtag Challenge Campaign.jpgGuess launched the #InMyDenim Hashtag Challenge on TikTok and gained over 5,550 user-generated videos and 10.5 million video views within 6 days.

What industries are suitable for TikTok advertising?

Brands related to retail and lifestyle are the best fits for TikTok’s app nature. As TikTok is a visually oriented platform, it’s better if brands got products to showcase. Thus, TikTok advertising can generate huge noise for fashion and beauty, food, travel, gaming and retail industries.

Yet, some products or services are prohibited on TikTok such as cigarettes and tobacco products, gambling, drug-related products or services, sexual products or services, etc. Also, different regions may have different prohibited rules due to local requirements and cultures.

If these sound dizzying to you, don’t worry, contact our experts and we would explain everything to you.

TikTok ad options

TikTok Ad Formats.jpgTikTok offers highly targeted solutions with different ad formats. By choosing the right ad formats, you can effectively reach your target users with high effectiveness.

▶ Increase Reach & Engagement rate

1. In-Feed Video Ad: The ad will appear as a full-screen native video on the native news feed “For You” page. It allows users to like, comment and share directly.

▶ Drive Reach & Leads

2. Brand Takeover Ad: It will pop up as a full-screen ad (GIF/Image/Video) when users first log in to TikTok. When users tap the ad, they will be directed to brand websites.

3. TopView Ad: It’s a new ad format that builds on Brand Takeover. The main difference is TopView Ads will be shown as the first in-feed post instead of pop up when accessing the app.

▶ Maximize Engagement with User-Generated Content

4. Brand Hashtag Challenges: Choose a branded hashtag for your brand and create a challenge. The ad will appear on the discovery page and encourage users to create content for the challenge.

▶ Encourage Interaction with Soft-Selling Approach

5. Branded Effects: Ad will appear as branded stickers, AR filters or lenses for users to apply for their videos.

How much do TikTok ads cost?

There are four bidding methods you may choose based on your advertising goals:

• CPC (cost-per-click): Charged by clicks. The TikTok system will deliver your ads to users who are most likely to click them at a cost that is as close to your bid.

• oCPC (optimized cost-per-click): Pay for clicks that lead to conversions (e.g. website visit, app download, sign-up). The TikTok system will deliver your ads to users who are more likely to take the action at a cost that is as close to your bid.

• CPV (cost-per-view): Pay for 1000 video views (2s/6s view). The TikTok system will optimize your ads to get as many views as possible.

• CPM (cost-per-thousand-impressions): Pay for 1000 impressions. The TikTok system will optimize your ads for exposure and reach.

TikTok ads provide two budgeting options: daily or lifetime. You can change your budget anytime throughout your campaign. The minimum budget at the campaign level is USD$500 and the minimum budget at the ad group level is USD$50.

How does the TikTok algorithm work?

To successfully optimize your TikTok videos, you need to know how TikTok serves videos to different users based on users’ profiles and interests. Below are the key factors that TikTok takes when making video suggestions to users:

1) User interaction: TikTok serves users videos they are most likely to engage with. Users will see more content form specific accounts that they interact the most. Apart from likes and shares, video completion rate is a main ranking indicator as well.

2) Video information: TikTok pushes content of what users explore. If users often search particular hashtags or videos with specific sound bites, they will be suggested to see videos with the same hashtags and sounds.

3) Device and account settings: Users’ language preference, country setting, device type are also parts that TikTok considers when serving content.

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Tips for TikTok advertising

1. Choose the right targeting

TikTok offers various targeting options for you to reach your target audience precisely.

• Audience Targeting: You can target the audience by interest such as travel, food, pets, games, beauty, sport, entertainment, etc. You can also custom your blacklist, whitelist and lookalike audience.

• Demographic Targeting: You can set your targeting by age (13-17, 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55+), gender (male, female), locations (country/region, state/province) and languages (based on app language).

• Device Targeting: You can choose your audience by connection types (2G, 3G, 4G, WIFI), operation systems (iOS, Android), operation system version, device’s retail price and carrier.

2. Content direction – Be fun, creative & experimental

TikTok is an enthusiastic platform that emphasizes creativity and interactivity. Unlike other platforms, TikTok isn’t a place for formal commercial ads. Your ads should be aligned with the app nature and cultural trend. Make sure your approach is engaging and authentic.

To stand out from this visually oriented platform, brands are suggested to update your creatives every seven days and carry out A/B testing with disparate creative assets. If you find it hard to manage, you can utilize “Automated Creative Optimization (ACO)” in TikTok, which automatically combines your creative assets into multiple ads. The system will serve the best creative to your target audience with high-performing combinations.

Influencer collaborations with the right content strategy is another key point to let your ad go viral on TikTok.

>> Our Influencer Marketing Service & Content Marketing Service provide TikTok end-to-end support.

3. Use correct TikTok hashtags

As mentioned above, hashtag is one of the main factors that TikTok algorithm counts. It helps your videos become more memorable and reachable. Make sure you use creatives and relevant hashtags on your posts. Trending hashtags can attract a sizeable crowd to your content. It’s even better to create a hashtag challenge as it got huge potential to let your campaigns spread rapidly.

4. Understand your TikTok followers well

It’s important to get followers data timely and adjust your ad strategies based on the real situation. For example, you should know your audience’s online time so that you can post content when they are most active and engaged. TikTok’s Pro Accounts gives useful insights to help you gain a better understanding of your audiences. You can find account overview, video performance and follower activity through TikTok Pro Analytics.

Take your business next step with TikTok advertising

TikTok is expected to maintain its competitiveness and attractiveness in the upcoming years. While TikTok moving at the speed of light with more and more brands, business and influencers joining, it provides room for brands to make brand new and exciting content for their audiences.

If you want to know more about TikTok advertising, contact our experienced experts at info@asiapac.com.hk. Grab the chance of TikTok advertising now!

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With an extensive digital marketing experience of serving more than 2,500 clients across Asia in sectors such as education, travel and hospitality, finance, Government and others, AsiaPac’s expert team is highly recognized for the excellence in providing performance-driven services to businesses across Asia, and global corporates targeting Asia markets. If you’d like to learn more about AsiaPac and the work we’ve done, visit our Work page. For more information on AsiaPac/ AdTech and our services, please contact us at info@asiapac.com.hk/ info@adtechinno.com.